Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bad day

I'm having a bad day. A very bad day. It's almost 5:00pm and I still don't have anything done. Its like one of those days, you start off on the wrong foot and the whole day is pretty much useless.

I was supposed to take my graduation picture today but it didn't happen. I was supposed to get my eyebrows done before taking the pic but I had a lot of readings to do last night and ended up staying in the library unitl 8pm. so I thought I would just wake up in the morning and do it. morning comes and I start preparing for the big picture day. problem is we're moving and my room is like a jungle, everything is upside down. I couldn't find my makeup kit. my mom "cleaned" my room and misplaced it not only was I going to take my grad pic with a pair of bushy eyebrows but also with a face full of pimples and black spots under my eyes! How perfect! I mean people actually go to salons, get their makeup done professionally before grad pic day. Anyhow, so as usual mom and I got into an argument. It really wasn't her fault. It was mine, I should have been more prepared. My mind is just so occupied with everything :( I hate the way I've being acting lately. I'm so cold and rude.
I'm so pessimistic and it needs to stop. Mom got really mad. I knew that the rest of the day was going to be very unproductive and so it was

I got a call from SJSM today. They said they want to set up a phone interview with we'll see. I don't think I want to go to SJSM anymore. I'm just so confused. Today the thought of just not being born, not being "in the world" crossed my mind. I was scared.


Till next time.