Tuesday, April 7, 2009

All thanks are due to God!

I woke up in the morning to hear the loud news on Al-Iraqiya TV. Seven cars had exploded today in the morning in 6 different neighborhoods, killing at least 36 people and injuring hundreds of others. Al-Qua'eda took responsibility of course and said that this is a "gift" for Iraqis to celebrate the birthday of Al-Ba'eth party. I'm not even gonna attempt to explain why or how. Cowards.

I freaked out of course. I knew that mom was staying in Baghdad for the week and that she had been working on her papers which meant that she had to be on the move, all the time. And knowing mom, I was sure that she preferred getting up early in the morning to get her stuff done. Conclusion, I FREAKED OUT. I tried not to show anyone that I was concerned. Probably because I was pissed off at everyone at home. Useless people. I was cooking last night for 2 hours! Exactly 2 hours. I ended up going to bed at 11:20PM. I woke up in the morning and everyone EVERYONE was waiting for me to make breakfast. Zahra was late, Shams missed her breakfast club and dad had a headache. Anyhow, dad couldn't pack them sandwiches for school and yeah they woke me up. Zahra is such a drama queen these days. I can't stand her and she told me more than once that she "hates me". Whether she means it or not is not something that concerns me, what concerns me the most is the fact that she has the guts to express such things right in front of dad. Things are definitely getting out of hand. Sham's school called yesterday to notify us that Shams wasn't in school. Meaning that she skipped. I don't know what to do about it. I'm concerned but I don't know what to do and obviously dad knows and doesn't do anything about it. It's such a critical time in her life and if we don't intervene now, she might just take us and skipping/school for granted.

Anyhow, so back to the cowards. I called mom and as soon as she said she was doing alright I burst into tears. I don't know if they were happy tears or I miss you tears or I'm frustrated tears or just come back tears. Whatever they were, she could tell that I was crying. She reassured me that everything is okay and that she will try not to get out of the house until things are settled. I just hope she sticks to her words.

I'm still worried and I've got a long day ahead of me.

It's snowing again and we have to shovel the driveway. Pathetic weather.

Till next time