Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's 11:40AM

I'm at school and it's 11:40AM and the airplane hasn't arrived yet! It was supposed to be there at 11:34AM our time! I don't know what happened! The flightview thing is not working because Queen Alia Airport doesn't support the service. Cowards. I'm gonna check to see if the flight has arrived on their website. Ohhh I get it! She's gonna arrive in an hour insha'Allah. Because it's 5:44PM Amman's time. So she'll be there at around 6:45 PM their time which is 12:45 our time. Makes sense. Ahhh freaked me out. I hope everything works out. Moe, if you're reading this (as I sent you a txtmsg directing you where to go for further updates on the trip etc, I understand that I sound pretty cocky but shove it, I'm trying to play a mother figure here....but I swear it's just happening...naturally. I freaking eat Breakfast at Timmies everyday, almost everyday. But for some reason when I bough my 12 Grain begel today, I felt guilty. Guilty because I thought about what Shams and Zahra are eating right now...Mind you there's all kinds of things at home but Zahra likes begels. It's so weird. This never happened to me. I don't know what it is but I'm worried. So worried! Call me.)
Back to what I was saying. I didn't get anything done last night of course and kept waking up throughout the night. I feel so sorry for mom. She got there at 1:2oAM Paris time, which means that she had to sleep somewhere. poor her! I bet you her legs are all swallon now.
I asked Saif to call me as soon as she gets there but I kinda regret it now. Mom and Dad asked me to send him my cell so he may update us etc. But he didn't even reply back to my message. Oh well, maybe he just didn't go online on facebook yet (I sent it through mom's facebook).

Oh AF changed the arrival time! It's 6:33PM now. GOD the Arabic saying goes like "I'm sitting on fire" That's exactly what I'm going through now. Sitting on fire! Oh and my back hurts from freakin' carying that big black bag! I hope it doesn't get ripped. I don't know what mom will do. I had a had time pulling it for less than 10 mins. Allah yesa3edha!

I hate airplanes! I hate airports and most of all, I hate ARABS!

More to come.